WSG31 – FIE approved 3 weapons device with remote chrono-scores


The SG31-signaling equipment with 3 weapons FIE approved with remote control chrono-scores is the most complete device. It allows to connect directly to the computer network and to the management system of the electronic plasma displays and to manage for example the competitions in “touch to touch”, etc…
Used at the Olympics

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3335 Marque :


The WSG31 consists of two associated components :

  • A central key detection device
  • A RGB LED panel for displaying all the information contained in the central device: score, timer, lights, names, countries, cards, priority and additional information for the new non-combativity rules.

Dimensions and weight :

  • 1m*0,30m*0,10m
    • 10kg

Fencing functions :

  • – F.I.E. approved for all 3 weapons
    – Can be easily reprogrammed to the latest F.I.E. standards at any time
    – Anti-blocking yellow lamps
    – Adjustable lamp duration: 0.1s, 0.5s, 0.8s, 1s, 2s, 3s & 4s
    – The 0.1s time allows to teach the lesson with the device

Multiple fencing modes :

  • – FIE: classic fencing according to the standards of the International Fencing Federation.
    – STM: allows to work with the STM wireless system used during the Great Competitions such as World Championship or Olympic Games.
    – UIPM: mode dedicated to the practice of epee practiced in the International Federation of Modern Pentathlon with two epee programs: one for individuals and one for teams. The individual epee has a special graphic presentation. In all cases, double hits do not exist.
    – FREE: in the 3 weapons of this mode, the device is set to “first hit”. Therefore, there are no double hits. In addition, there are no white lights in foil.
    – DUEL: these are the programs recommended by the IAA (International Weapons Academy) for the practice of combat disciplines where the fencing time is always the time of the epee and the double hits do not count, the fourth weapon being the KNIFE.
    – HANDI: the epee and saber programs follow the FIE rules, but the apparatus signals the hits with different sounds depending on the side or the double.

Integrated stopwatch and match :

  • – Reset time setting of the stopwatch: 30s, 45s, and from 1mn to 99mn.
    – Use of colors to indicate the status of the stopwatch.
    o stopwatch stopped: blue
    o stopwatch counting down: white
    o stopwatch in pause mode: yellow
    o chronometer in medical mode: red
    – Match from 01 to 99.
    – Locking of the keys when the chronometer has counted down to: 00:00.
    – The WSG31 can be programmed to stop when a hit is detected after the fencing time. This is the AUTOMATIC STOPWATCH mode. This option will be programmed into the appropriate LCD screen. Some fencing modes temporarily change the value of this parameter, but it will always be possible to change it by going to this screen.
    – One minute PAUSE function
    – Last minute function.
    – Management of the last 10 seconds according to FIE standards with display of tenths and hundredths of a second when the stopwatch is stopped.

Non-combat (new functions following changes in standards)

  • – Introduction of a new small stopwatch that counts from 0 to 1 minute for non-combativity. The stopwatch is dark blue when it is stopped and yellow when it counts.
    – Introduction of the new yellow, red and black cards dedicated to the non-combativity. These cards are activated by the remote control.
    – When the timer has reached one minute, it displays a purple oval.
    – The non-combativity timer disappears dynamically when it is not used.

Remote control :

  • – Mixed communications: wire and infrared.
    – Powered by a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery.
    – Can be recharged directly on the WSG31 in one of the special slots provided.
    – Complete control of the timer, score, rounds, cards and priority.
    – Control of general functions.
    – Each remote control has a unique address that is communicated to the WSG31 when it is charged. Therefore, the WSG31 will only work with that remote.

Communications :

  • – 4 RS422 connectors for general serial communications.
    – 2 connectors for charging both wireless handsets or a rechargeable remote control.
    – Direct use of the panel in slave mode for repeating signals from the master (score, timer, handle, cards, names and lights).
    – 1 Ethernet socket for direct connection to the computer network.
    – Radio communication possible for the wireless option.

Peripherals family :

  • – 2 RJ45 sockets for connection to external lamp repeaters.
    – Table top repeaters
    Final repeaters for repeating results, names and lamps.



Weight 12 lbs
Dimensions 60 × 40 × 20 in

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