General conditions of sale

ARTICLE 1 – scope

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply, without restriction or reservation, to all sales concluded by Prieur Sports with non-professional buyers (“The Customers or the Customer”), wishing to acquire the products offered for sale on the site are as follows:

Fencing equipment, fencing weapons, fencing clothing, fencing shoes, fencing blades, fencing masks, signage equipment for the competition, fencing gloves, etc…

The main characteristics of the products and in particular the specifications, illustrations and indications of dimensions or capacity of the products, are presented on the site which the customer is required to read before ordering.

The choice and purchase of a product is the sole responsibility of the Customer.

Product offers are within the limits of stocks available when placing the order.

These GTC are accessible at any time on the website and will prevail over any other document.

The customer declares to have read these GTC and to have accepted them by ticking the box provided for this purpose before the implementation of the online order procedure of the site

Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded in Prieur Sports’ computer system constitute proof of all transactions concluded with the Customer.

The contact details of Prieur Sports are as follows:


Share capital of PRIEUR SPORTS 30 000,00€

Registered with the RCS of Dijon, under the number 804097830


Phone : 03 80 72 72 24

Intra-Community VAT number FR17804097830

The products presented on the site are offered for sale for the following territories:

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma (Myanmar) Burundi Cayman Islands, Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic, Republic Chile China Cyprus Cocos (Keeling), Islands Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rep Dém. Cook, Islands South Korea Korea, Rep. Popular Dém. Of Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Denmark Djibouti Dominica Egypt El Salvador United Arab Emirates Ecuador Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Falkland, Faroe Islands, Fiji Islands Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Ghana Gibraltar Greece Grenada Greenland Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Equatorial Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana French Guiana Haitii Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands, Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Isle of Man Mauritius British Virgin Islands United States Virgin Islands Indie Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Kiribati Kuwait Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan, Liechtenstein Arab Jamahiriya Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Northern Marianas, Marshall Islands Morocco Martinique Mauritania Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk, Island Norway New Caledonia New Zealand Oman Uganda Uzbekistan Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Netherlands Peru Philippines Poland French Polynesia Puerto Rico Portugal Qatar Dominican Republic Czech Republic Reunion Romania United Kingdom Russia, Rwanda Federation Saint Barthelemy Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Siege (Vatican City State) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Lucia Solomon Islands American Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia Somalia Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Suriname Swaziland Syrian Tajikistan Taiwan Tanzania Chad Thailand East Timor Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Turkey Tuvalu Ukraine Uruguay USA Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Wallis and Futuna Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

In case of order to a country other than metropolitan France, the Customer is the importer of the product(s) concerned

For all products shipped outside the European Union and DOM-TOM (excluding French Guiana and Mayotte Art 294-1 of the CGI), the prices will be calculated excluding taxes automatically on the invoice.

Customs duties or other local taxes or import duties or state taxes may be payable. They will be at the expense and are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

ARTICLE 2 – Price

The products are supplied with the prices in force appearing on the website, when the order is registered by Prieur Sports.

Prices are expressed in Euros HT and TTC.

The rates take into account any reductions that may be granted by Prieur Sports on the site.

These rates are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity but Prieur Sports reserves the right, outside the period of validity, to modify the prices at any time.

The prices do not include the costs of processing, shipping, transport and delivery, which are invoiced in addition, under the conditions indicated on the site and calculated prior to placing the order.

The payment requested from the Customer corresponds to the total amount of the purchase, including these costs.

An invoice is drawn up by Prieur Sports and given to the Customer when placing the order.

ARTICLE 3 – Order

It is up to the Customer to select on the site https://prieurusatest.jpm-next.comthe products he wishes to order, according to the following methods:

The customer selects one or more products that he adds to his basket, he can then access his basket where he can add or remove the products By clicking on order he will access a summary page of his order in which he will have to fill in his personal information, his delivery address, his method of payment and accept the general conditions. The customer will then be sent back to a secure payment page where he will have to fill in his banking information securely.

Product offers are valid as long as they are visible on the site, within the limits of available stocks.

The sale will only be considered valid after full payment of the price. It is the Customer’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of the order and to immediately report any errors.

Any order placed on the site constitutes the formation of a contract concluded at a distance between the Customer and Prieur Sports.

Prieur Sports reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order.

Any cancellation of the order by the customer will only be possible before the delivery of the Products regardless of the provisions relating to the application or not of the legal right of withdrawal.

The Customer has a period of 14 days after placing the order to exercise his right of withdrawal according to Article L221-18 of the Consumer Code, it is nevertheless appropriate that the return costs will be borne by the Customer.

ARTICLE 4 – Terms of payment

The payment of costs when placing an order is done in a secure way:

  • by credit card
  • by cheque
    • The cheque must be compliant
    • Order of Prieur Sports
    • With the order number written on the back of the check
    • To be sent to the registered office: 54 avenue du général de Gaulle, GENLIS 21110
    • The cheque must be issued by a French bank
  • by bank transfer to the bank account of Prieur Sports (whose bank details are communicated to the Customer when placing the order)

Payment data is exchanged in encrypted mode using the secure 3D protocol used on the site.

Cheques will be cashed as soon as possible.

Payments made by the Customer will only be considered final after actual collection by Prieur Sports of the sums due.

Prieur Sports will not be required to deliver the products ordered by the customer if the latter does not pay the price in full under the conditions indicated above.

ARTICLE 5 – Deliveries

The products are delivered to the delivery address indicated by the Customer when placing the order.

The delivery time is the one indicated in the legend of the product, and confirmed at the time of the order confirmation. In the absence of details in the legend or during the order confirmation by the seller’s Customer Service, the products are delivered within a maximum period of 30 days.

In case of exceeding the delivery deadline, if this exceedance is not due to a case of force majeure, the Customer could put Prieur Sports on notice to deliver it within a reasonable additional time by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or by email. If the delivery is not executed within this period, the Customer may terminate the sales contract by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to:

Prieur sports

54 avenue du Général de Gaulle

21110 GENLIS

Or by email to:

The sale will be considered cancelled if the delivery has not occurred before receipt of the registered letter or email and Prieur Sports will be obliged to reimburse the customer within 14 days.

The Customer is obliged to check the condition of the products upon delivery. He has a period of 48 hours from delivery to form by e-mail any reservations or claims for non-conformity or apparent defect of the products delivered, with all the supporting documents relating thereto. After this period and failing to comply with these formalities, the products will be deemed compliant and free from any apparent defect and no claim can be validly accepted by the Seller.

Prieur Sports cannot be held responsible for the consequences due to a delay during the delivery not being within its jurisdiction or being due to an act of force majeure.

The delivery costs are those indicated when ordering, these may vary depending on the recipient country and must be borne by the Customer. For products shipped outside the European Union, the Customer will be considered as an importer of the products. As a result, the Customer must pay and declare himself the customs fees, local taxes, state taxes or import duties that could be added to the total cost of the order.

The transfer of responsibility for the package is made at the time of delivery, Prieur Sports can not be held responsible for damage caused to the package after delivery. If a package is not delivered to the customer, Prieur Sports will bear the costs to meet the proper delivery of the goods, however, it is advisable for carriers to pay attention to the safety of the goods transported.

Prieur Sports also offers free delivery in its store at the following address: 42 Rue Gassendi, 75014 Paris.

ARTICLE 6 – Warranty

The products supplied by PRIEUR SPORTS benefit from a contractual guarantee whose duration and modalities are indicated in the legend of the product.

It is also recalled that the seller remains liable for the lack of conformity of the good sold in accordance with Articles L. 217.4 and following of the Consumer Code, as well as the legal guarantee of hidden defects of Articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code reproduced below.

The products ordered by the customer will be delivered in metropolitan France or in the areas set out above (see Article 1).

“Legal guarantee of conformity” (extract from the Consumer Code)

  • Art. L. 217-4. “The seller is obliged to deliver goods in conformity with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also liable for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, the assembly instructions or the installation when it has been charged to him by the contract or has been carried out under his responsibility”.
  • Art. L. 217-12. “The action resulting from the lack of conformity is time-barred by two years from the delivery of the goods”
  • Art. L. 217-5. ‘To be in conformity with the contract, the goods must:
  1. Be fit for the use usually expected of a similar good and, if applicable:
  • Correspond to the description given by the seller and possess the qualities that the latter has presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;
  • Present the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect in view of the public statements made by the seller, by the producer or by his representative, in particular in advertising or labelling.
  1. Have the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the seller and which the latter has accepted”.

“The guarantee of defects of the thing sold” (extract from the Civil Code)

  • Art. 1641. “The seller is bound by the guarantee in respect of hidden defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which so diminish this use, that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would have given only a lower price, if he had known them”.
  • Art. 1648 – paragraph 1. “The action resulting from latent defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years of the discovery of the defect.”

The legal or conventional warranty is excluded in the event of misuse, negligence or lack of maintenance on the part of the Customer, such as in the event of normal wear and tear of the good, accident or force majeure and the Seller’s warranty is limited to the replacement or refund of non-conforming or defective products.

In order to assert his rights, the Customer must inform Prieur Sports (by email to: contact@prieur-sports.comor by registered letter to: Prieur Sports 54 avenue Général de Gaulle 21110 GENLIS), of the non-conformity of the products or of the existence of hidden defects from their discovery.

Prieur Sports will refund, replace or repair products or parts under warranty deemed non-compliant or defective.

Return costs will not be refunded as Prieur Sports cannot attest to the presence of the defect. As part of an exchange or repair, the shipping costs will be borne by Prieur Sports if a defect is found on the original product. Refunds, replacements or repairs of products deemed non-compliant or defective will be made as soon as possible and at the latest within 14 days of the finding by Prieur Sports of the lack of conformity or hidden defect. This refund can be made by bank transfer or cheque.

Prieur Sports cannot be held liable in the following cases:

  • Non-compliance with the legislation of the country in which the products are delivered, which it is up to the Customer to verify.
  • In the event of misuse, negligence or lack of maintenance on the part of the Customer, such as in the event of normal wear and tear of the product, accident or force majeure.
  • The photographs and graphics presented on the site are not contractual and cannot engage the responsibility of Prieur Sports.

ARTICLE 7 – Liability

The products offered for sale comply with the French legislation in force and the standards applicable in the European Union. PRIEUR SPORTS cannot be held liable in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of the country where the product is delivered if it is a country located outside the European Union.

ARTICLE 8 – Data Protection

In application of the law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, it is recalled that the personal data that are requested from the Customer are necessary for the processing of his order and the establishment of invoices, and will only be used for this purpose.

The processing of information communicated through the site has been declared to the CNIL.

The Customer has, in accordance with the national and European regulations in force, a right of permanent access, modification, rectification and opposition with regard to the information concerning him.

ARTICLE 9 – Applicable law – Jurisdiction

These general conditions are subject to French law. Unless otherwise provided, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction to hear disputes that may arise from the interpretation or execution hereof.

It is also recalled that in the event of a dispute, you have the possibility to resort to a mediation procedure.

ARTICLE 10 – Transfer of ownership

The transfer of ownership of Prieur Sports’ products to the customer will only be carried out after full payment of the price by the latter, regardless of the date of delivery of said products.

ARTICLE 11 – Right of withdrawal

According to the terms of Article L221-18 of the Consumer Code “for contracts providing for the regular delivery of goods for a defined period, the period runs from the receipt of the first good.”

The right of withdrawal can be exercised online, using the withdrawal form attached in the annex or any other unambiguous declaration, expressing the desire to withdraw and in particular by post addressed to Prieur Sports at the postal or email coordinates indicated in ARTICLE 1 of the GTC.

Returns are to be made in their original and complete condition (packaging, accessories, instructions …) allowing their remarketingsassions in new condition, accompanied by the purchase invoice.

Damaged, soiled or incomplete products are not taken back.

The return costs remain the responsibility of the Customer.

The exchange (subject to availability) or refund will be made within 14 days of receipt, by Prieur Sports, of the products returned by the Customer under the conditions provided for in this article.

Mediation system for consumer disputes:

In accordance with the articles of the Consumer Code L611-1 et seq. and R612-1 et seq., it is provided that any dispute of a contractual nature relating to the execution of the sales contract / or the provision of services could not be resolved in the context of a complaint previously submitted to the customer service of PRIEUR-SPORTS,, the consumer will be able to use mediation free of charge. He will contact the National Association of Mediators (ANM) either by mail by writing to 62, rue Tiquetonne 75002 PARIS, or by e-mail by completing the online referral form at the following

The consumer can also visit the website of the European Platform for Online Dispute Resolution:

The following website contains all the information you need in the event of a cross-border dispute.

Mechanism for the mediation of consumer disputes:

In accordance with the articles of the Consumer Code L611-1 et seq. and R612-1 et seq., it is provided that any dispute of a contractual nature relating to the execution of the sales contract / or the provision of services could not be resolved in the context of a complaint previously submitted to the customer service of PRIEUR-SPORTS,, the consumer will be able to use mediation free of charge. He will contact the National Association of Mediators (ANM) either by mail by writing to 62, rue Tiquetonne 75002 PARIS, or by e-mail by completing the online referral form at the following

The consumer can also visit the website of the European Platform for Online Dispute Resolution:

The following website contains all the information you need in the event of a cross-border dispute.


Date :

This form must be completed and returned only if the Customer wishes to withdraw from the order placed on except exclusions or limits to the exercise of the right of withdrawal according to the applicable general conditions of sale.

For the attention of Prieur Sports SAS

54 avenue Général de Gaulle 21110 GENLIS

I hereby notify the withdrawal of the contract relating to the property below:

Order from (indicate date)

Order number:

Client Name:

Customer Address:

Signature of the customer (only in case of notification of this form on paper)

PRIEUR USA is back


PRIEUR USA is back