Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to exchange an item?

To make an exchange, you can follow these steps:

Send the item(s) concerned in the original packaging to the following address Prieur Sports, 54 avenue du Général de Gaulle 21110 GENLIS
Enclose a letter with your package explaining your request, with the new size/reference you want, and your order number.
To exchange a single item (a glove, a jacket etc…), please add to your package a check for 8.40€ related to the shipping costs of the new item.
As soon as we receive your package, we will do our best to make the exchange.

How do I request a refund

To request a refund please follow these steps:

Send the item(s) concerned in the original packaging to the following address Prieur Sports, 54 avenue du Général de Gaulle 21110 GENLIS.
Include a letter with your package explaining your request.
Upon receipt of your package, we will refund your credit card if you paid by this means of payment.

Is it possible to have it delivered to a specific country

It is possible to have your order delivered to the country of your choice. However, depending on the geographical area and the items ordered, the delivery costs may vary.

What are the deadlines for a marking?

Please allow approximately one week for your package to be marked and shipped.

Package delivery information request

For all inquiries regarding your order please contact our customer service at +33 3 80 72 72 24 from Monday to Thursday from 8am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 5:15pm and on Friday from 8am to 12pm.

I did not receive my package

For all inquiries regarding your order please contact our customer service at +33 3 80 72 72 24 from Monday to Thursday from 8am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 5:15pm and on Friday from 8am to 12pm.

I have a problem with a defective item (type mask, weapon) requiring expertise Prieur

You can return the product to us at the following address Prieur Sports, 54 avenue du Général de Gaulle 21110 GENLIS . Our technical experts will then proceed to an expertise in our workshops.
Once this is done, we will contact you to keep you informed.

PRIEUR USA is back


PRIEUR USA is back